What TO Bring

  • Bible

  • Pen and notebook

  • Water bottle, sunblock & bug spray are a MUST

  • Bedding/sleeping bag/pillow/flashlight

  • Appropriate clothing for both warm days & cool evenings (i.e. swimsuits & jacket/sweatshirt)

  • Appropriate shoes, sandals, water shoes

  • Towels and washcloths

  • Toiletries: shower and hygiene items, deodorant, etc.

  • Personal Medications (if needed)

  • *Optional- Money for Snack Shack/missions offerings

  • HIGH SCHOOL & MIDDLE SCHOOL CAMPERS: if planning on playing airsoft, make sure to bring clothing to cover your arms & legs. Camo clothing is encouraged.


What NOT to Bring

  • No Radios/TV's

  • No CD's/CD Players/Ipods/MP3 Players

  • No Cell Phones (OK for HS)

  • No Comic Books/Magazines

  • No Knives/Guns

  • No Alcohol/Tobacco/ Drugs

  • No Pets

  • No Immodest Clothing or Clothing with Inappropriate Advertising